NYT-Creditors sue, then block use of courts to fight back; Patients fear spike in price of old drugs; Super PACs now hit road, not airwaves; Turkey moves to clamp down on its borders; Personalizing books, via robot; Protests in Hong Kong as China silences a rights lawyer; Unseasonable greetings in a NY searching for Jack Frost-51.6 degrees
NYDN-Holy crap Vatican pans tacky blockbuster says villains aren't evil enough; Gay slurs haunt Odell
NYP-True blue slain hero was fellow cops' top booster Joseph Lemm; Fix this mess! It's on Mara to restore order in Giants' world
NYTe-Ex Brooklyn teacher, accused of abusing 7 students, pleads guilty to kidnapping Sean Shaynak 5 year sentence (A20)
NYDNe-see ya sicko Pervert teacher Shaynak takes 5 year plea deal (17)
NYDNe-News saves city $163M big computer deal revealed, price slasheed
NYDNe-New parents get time off 20000 nonunion workers
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